6 strategies to implement[meaningful] Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion strategy

Among all of the public and private institutions I have worked with and consulted for in the past 8 years, only 1% had a clear and meaningful implementation of their #DEI strategy.

2 min readOct 6, 2021
© Leadmn.org

In the past years, I had great conversations with product owners and NGO founders whose missions commits to serve the community with all of its layers. While such promises are usually attractive to stakeholders and annual reports, companies still think of D&I as a one-size-fits-all package that makes it impossible for historically marginalized communities to reach the decision-making table. Unfortunately, diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts remain extracurricular activities for some companies.

Too often, womxn, LGBTQI+, People of Color, and Persons with Disabilities (etc.), become yet another ratio that employers lean on to categorize us without an understanding of the complexity of our identities.

DEI executives and practitioners need to understand that an annual mandatory diversity training will not magically make a sustainable “diversity-friendly” environment. Instead:

  1. Let underrepresented communities lead the conversations, do not assume you can voice their narratives because you read a book or two or had a semester abroad in the Middle East.
  2. Create and sustain an accessible and engaging channel of communication where hard conversations happen about internal bias.
  3. Empower a generation of diversity champions who co-build sustainable frameworks to leverage the diversity of their identities and experiences to eliminate the deeply entrenched barriers that start from the hiring process until retirement.
  4. Keep a DEI self-assessment check as part of the company’s DNA, not a rainy day activity.
  5. Provide equitable access to personal and targeted professional development opportunities.
  6. DEI is a complex topic. Please do not take it for granted and do not hand it to unqualified individuals.

Finally, I would love to read your experiences and/or suggestions to build a meaningful DEI management plan.




Aslema! I write about Africa, project management, diversity & inclusion, gender, activism, and civic engagement.